Massage Certificates

Massage certificates are available in any amount, are flexible and transferable between clients, and never expire. Regular pricing is $1 per minute. Add some table time to your JHA bank - or to that of a friend or loved one - for any reason or no reason at all!

Call, write, or visit the online store any time to order a session or package. If you'd like a physical certificate for your purchase, just provide a shipping and/or e-mail address and I will happily deliver a certificate electronically or via USPS. I am happy to create a craft-paper sleeve for your gift in whatever color or pattern you wish. No wrapping required! Paper certificates are also available to be picked up at your convenience from the holder at my front door. If you choose to add time without retaining a physical certificate, never fear! I will log your hours and keep track of any redemption. :)

Payment may be made to Jennifer Jacuk using cash, personal check, money order, or major credit card. So easy!

Special of the Month

Periodically during a calendar month, JHA runs a special session, package, or promotion to be booked during that month or purchased for gift-giving or future use. There is often a theme to the special, depending on the season, or any restrictive patterns I might be observing on the table of late. Call, write, or visit the online store to view or take advantage of any current special that may be available!

Subscribe to my mailing list (over there --->) to receive regular e-mail notifications when a new special becomes available or is about to expire.

180-minute package

To help make massage a more regular and easily-honored commitment, I always offer 3-hour massage packages at a $10 discount per hour:

180 minutes ... $150

You may split the time into sessions of whatever length you wish, and the hours are totally transferable.

Hold on to the time for your next massage, keep a few certificates on hand for birthday or holiday gifts, or share with a friend or loved one who could use some care.