Meet JHA assistant Ned Bentley! Neddy is on hand for all your snuggling, kissing, and dramatic acting needs.
After obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from William Smith College, I worked for many years in the field of reprographics and the A/E/C industry. My interest in the healing arts, and the sense that I was being called to explore that work more deeply, inspired me to quit my full-time admin job and enroll at the Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage. I completed 1000 hours of training between January and June of 2010, and achieved my NYS License in Massage Therapy on September 29th of that same year. I am also certified in Reiki Levels I and II.
As an LMT and a psych major, I am particularly interested in the intersection of psychology and bodywork. Though my professional scope of practice includes only massage therapy, I feel drawn to exploring how massage can help excavate, release, and heal emotional pain and patterning, as well as physical pain and restriction.
The past thirteen years have have been a long-term project of establishing a practice that is meaningful, personal, and abundant. Creating this life has been a constant process of trust and openness, evaluation and adjustment, and I wouldn't trade Juniper Healing Arts for anything.
I am happy to share my experiences with anyone who might dream of creating their own wished-for alternate worklife! It's a trip.